Homebrew kit CVs | Homebrew kit CV |
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The ColecoVision Homebrew kits consist of all the parts needed to create ColecoVision video game cartridges. The Homebrew kit CVs uses PLCC EPROMs (which requires the use of an adapter on some EPROM burners) but does not require soldering for assembly. The Homebrew kit CV uses DIL / DIP EPROMs (directly supported by virtually all EPROM burners), but requires oldering.
Screws can be chosen from slot and hex socket drives. Various colors are available (red is sold out):
Kit | Type of EPROM | Requires soldering | Minimum quantity of cartridges | Price / cartridge |
CV prototype | DIL / DIP | No | 1 | 12 € |
CV | DIL / DIP | Yes | 1 | 8 € |
CV | DIL / DIP | Yes | 4 | 7 € |
CV | DIL / DIP | Yes | 16 | 6 € |
CV | DIL / DIP | Yes | 128 | 5 € |
CVs | PLCC | No | 1 | 8 € |
CVs | PLCC | No | 4 | 7 € |
CVs | PLCC | No | 16 | 6 € |
CVs | PLCC | No | 128 | 5 € |
All prices excluding VAT and shipping.